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Asbestos Awareness Level 1

Who can take this Course?

Construction, or anyone who handles or encounters asbestos at work.


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About the Course

Are you aware that Asbestos is a carcinogen agent and can be found in different working environments with as many as 5,000 people die from asbestos related lung cancer every year due to a past exposure? This course shows you how to deal with a risk of exposure and how to avoid encountering Asbestos.

If you are in construction (or demolition work) and working on buildings that were built between the 50’s to the 80’s you will certainly need to take thorough precautions than before. You may have been exposed to Asbestos and carcinogenic symptoms may develop over a long time.

You and your co-workers might be unaware of the dangers of asbestos. It can cause lung cancer, mesothelioma, or asbestosis. This course gives you all the information you need to know about this dangerous substance so you can protect yourself and your family from risk. In a short amount of time, you'll learn how to recognize airborne asbestos fibers when they're present in an environment and how to prevent exposure. You'll also gain knowledge on where it commonly occurs and why it's so dangerous when inhaled in large quantities over time. By the end of the course, you'll feel confident knowing what steps to take if you suspect that there's asbestos in any building that you work in or live in - office buildings, schools, churches – anywhere that requires construction workers!

Why does it matter? Because every year thousands of people are diagnosed with lung cancer because they worked around asbestos for decades without knowing its risks. Don't become one of them! Take this Asbestos Awareness Course today!

That's why all new employees who are going to come into contact with asbestos must attend an AKATA approved training module run by our experts - we know what it means to be safe!!

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