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BTEC Level 4 Extended Certificate for First Person on Scene (RQF) Blended Part 2 -

Who can take this Course?

Medics, Security guards, Community First Responders, High-risk workplaces, First aid instructors, Fire services, Ambulance services.


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BTEC Level 4

About the Course

Your FPOS course will delve into the advanced areas of first aid, so you are prepared for any for any First Aid Situation.
BTEC Level 4 Certificate for First Person on Scene (RQF) was created in 2017 by Pearsons. And supersedes the FPOS Basic, Intermediate and Enhanced. This is the part two of the course for those who have completed the video online.
Taking the first aider on to the next level, topics in this course include pre-hospital assessment, respiration and airway management, Advanced CPR/AED (adult, child and infant) circulation and shock and trauma-related injuries, medical emergencies, Oxygen therapy and spinal immobilisation.
What knowledge will you gain? It’s all about pre-hospital care, the responsibilities of the first responder, established practices relating to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults, prevention, and control of infection.
The difference it will make to your technical knowledge such as the management of scene safety, the clinical care and management of the casualty, the provision of effective clinical handovers to the ambulance crew, post-incident procedures.
The practical skills you will acquire in safe incident management and managing the care of casualties during pre-hospital care
You will learn skills on critical decisions and medically manage the safe extrication of casualties
First Person on Scene (FPOS) Intermediate is fully recognised by the Security Industry Authority. You will need to re-training regularly so we can assess your practical skills and supporting knowledge is up to standard.
The course is available in two versions, this is the standard certificate and the extended certificate covering more subjects.
First aid knowledge is recommended.
You can use the videos in this course to refresh your knowledge. This is the classroom-only part 2 of a 2-part blended course. Before taking this course, you MUST complete the online course.

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