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Care Certificate Standard 09: Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning

Who can take this Course?

Healthcare workers, Social Care workers including ancillary services where you have direct contact with patients.


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About the Course

We are all familiar with the term mental health. But do you know what it means? Or is it something that's still being talked about but not practised?

Taking care of your employees' mental health and wellness is important for them, and those they care for. The Care Certificate Standard 9 module on awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disabilities introduces you to this concept, giving you an idea of what needs to be done to ensure that the workplace environment is mentally safe for everyone.

The online course will teach you how to set up a culture of respect and understanding within your team so that they feel comfortable talking about their feelings and concerns when they arise. And if there are signs or symptoms of a potential issue, then taking immediate action will help them get back on track.

Moreover, your Care Certificate Standard 9 module is about mental health, dementia, and learning disabilities. That's right; learn more about these three important issues today!

Interest in mental health, dementia and learning disabilities is increasing daily; we are happy to say that our online courses are helping people understand them better.

Online learning for the module of Care Certificate Standard 9 on mental health, dementia and learning disabilities is now a reality! It offers flexibility, and you can also learn anytime and anywhere. And with our certified course content, you're getting all the tools you need to be successful in your workplace.

Are you ready? Take the course today.

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