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Appointed Persons in the Workplace Level 2 (VTQ) Part One

Who can take this Course?

Care sector


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Virtual Remote




CPD points

About the Course

In today's world, where we spend more time at work and have long years of service, there is a growing need to be well-prepared in emergencies. And, to avoid leaving you clueless about what to do in such cases, we are teaching you the basics of first aid online.

Our course on first aid teaches you everything you need to know about handling health problems and accidents in the workplace. It will teach you how to use first aid kits and how they can be used effectively at your workplace to treat injuries and illnesses.

It also covers different types of accidents that may occur in the workplace like slips/falls, cuts/wounds etc., which carers, receptionists, shop assistants, cleaners, dispatchers, haulage, restauranteur, hairdressers or salespersons can handle essential tools like bandages, dressings etc.

The course has ten quizzes that will test your knowledge and give you an idea of how much work we have put into making this course user-friendly for everyone - from novice learners to experienced professionals!

So, if you are working in a low-risk environment within healthcare, construction, manufacturing and leisure, grab your friends or colleagues who may or may not know what first aid is all about, just in case something happens! Your business may have a low-risk environment, small in size but needs to have a first aid provision. Let's keep up to date with our health and safety at work! Learn about the Appointed Person in the Workplace course today.

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